I might as well be contemplating the Universe. My thoughts seem great, dark, and complex; more so than normal. I just don't understand.... why is the human race so cruel and blood thirty? Aren't we all children of a loving and wonderful Heavenly Father who is kind and forgiving? Don't we all, as humans want the same thing; to be happy? to love and be loved? to find (personal) peace? As a whole, why don't we treat each other so? Why are we judgmental? Why do we gossip and ridicule? Why are we violent in word and deed? WHY?!
Lonely. Lonely. Lonely.
That's all I feel.
I hate my life. I am so angry, all the time. Since anger is a secondary emotion, in reality, I'm hurting all the time. I feel like the world has beat me down and spit on me. I feel worthless, unwanted, rejected. I put myself out there, for multiple things to try to change things in my life, and all I get is dirt kicked in my face. How can things get better? Every time I make an effort to change an aspect of my life, it gets shoved back in my face, and I retreat further away. I try to see certain friends, I get blown off. I apply for a job that's supposedly hiring, they're actually not hiring. I keep being told to wait for basically everything that will make a difference in my life, when I needed positive change months ago. I give up, I don't care, I literally have no patience anymore. I put myself out there to connect or re-connect with people, I get ignored. I've been rejected by 2/3 of my own family, I had to find out through their immaturity or bitchiness that they are better off out of my life, so I say, '"Screw" you', to them. I own nothing. I live in a place where I get angry and argue almost every day because of a part of my ridiculous living situation. I literally can't afford gas to get away. I yell at my dogs all the time because I have no other source to vent my anger. I trust basically no one.
I've been relentlessly burned, isn't that enough? I have a disease that prevents me from having children, isn't it enough that I've been torn from a dream that I've always wanted? I literally had no friends show up to a surprise birthday party I had, isn't that enough to show how alone I am? Haven't I been kicked enough since I've been down? I can't even get up yet, but the kicks keep coming.
I'm at the point where I'm just going to push people away. I put myself out there, and I get hurt, what's the point of letting people in when all that will do is hurt me more? I'm clearly not wanted. It's clearly better if I'm just out of the way. Apparently I cause 'damage' to others, so, I'll just shut myself up so the only person I hurt is myself. Who will care? Clearly no one.
All I wanted was to be happy. To love, be loved. To have a family of my own.
Apparently, I asked for too much.