Sunday, January 15

Mr. Dallin Fletcher Ford

      It seems every girl blog that I "blog stalk" follow has dedicated at least 1 post to their significant other (husband). I haven't done it nor really had the desire or inspiration to do so; 'til now. 

      He was born 11/09/86. He was named after Dallin H. Oaks. His middle name is his moms maiden name and he is the 2nd oldest of 4 boys. 
We first met each other at 
and then he went on his mission to 
Those are just some basic facts.

      Dallin and I are quite opposite on many spectrums: he is completely silly and goofy, he is good with kids, he can and prefers to drive a stick, he's not a big reader or music junky, he is a huge cat lover (I seriously think he considers himself to be the "cat whisperer"), he loves to figure out how tech-y stuff works, etc. He has quite a few little quirks about him that I LOVE that he absolutely has no control over: I love how not hairy he is (unlike the boys in my family *shudder*), his eye color (between both of our eye colors, I think our children are going to have gorgeous eyes!), he grew up not being a sports fan and I absolutely LOVE that! I HATE sports! He's never had a desire to join the military (which I don't think he could anyway with his asthma and allergies, even if he wanted to), he's not short and not freakishly tall, and he is a great cook! 
      Now to the point I'm finally getting to, he is also an extremely hard worker. This is a part of him that I don't think I appreciate enough. With the aspect that he is very silly, he hardly ever complains when I do the exact opposite. It takes a lot for things to get to him - unlike me. So, when he gets down, he gets down. It's probably one of the saddest things for me to see; for me to see him sad and depressed. He doesn't quit until he gets what he wants; when he's been jobless in the past, he didn't stop looking, except to sleep, until he found a job. It amazes me because I know I don't have that kind of determination. And if there is a specific job in mind he wants, he doesn't stop until he gets it - he doesn't "settle" like I do. Most of 2010, we were barely scrapping by. Dallin, I think, was working at JC Penny's and America First and/or Dominos. He was also going to school on top of all that, AND he donated plasma twice a week just so we could get an extra $200 a month. He did this for months. Just so we could attempt to pay rent and our bills. Most of that year, we were going to the bishops store house because we simply could not afford groceries. (We've actually hardly gone grocery shopping our whole marriage.) 
      Now, he's at a job we both hate, where it takes a physical toll on his body almost 12 hours a day, 5 days a week. He has no benefits and we hardly see each other during the week, because pretty much when he is not working, he is sleeping. He'd get another job, but, where will we find him another job that guarantees hours and pays $13 + an hour and can get over time? This is our current pickle - neither of us have a degree so, we can't exactly get a great job. Dallin got lucky with it when he did, but, he's done. He's the only LDS person there and he's tired of being around guys that swear profanities all day and are very derogatory towards women. Hopefully he won't have to work there much longer, but, we don't whats written in the stars for us. This is just one other reason why I'm grateful that now is not our time to bring children in the world; what a mess they'd be born into! Hopefully we both will soon be on a path that will lead to a happier place. 

Thank you, Hubby, for all that you do. 

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