Saturday, October 9

A Summer full of reading . . . .

So, I read a ridiculous amount of books this summer, but, I forgot how much I love reading! I re-read about 90% of all the books I DID read this summer, but, I was also good and picked up some new ones. Not gonna lie, I was nervous to read something new . . . what if I didn't like it?

First of all, I re-read the Cirque Du Freak series! For those of you who know my undying love of Vampires, this is my all time fav. vampire story! Sorry, this blows Twilight out of the water. This is the most realistic theory of Vampires I have found if they were to exist, which is part of the reason I love it so much! Its about hardship and friendship and is very realistic where Twilight turns Vampires beautiful and fake. Which, to me, is not realistic at all. This book shows pain, and I believe, the truth of what the life as a vampire would be like.

Ahh . . . the love of my life :) I LOVE Harry Potter (in case you couldn't tell from my last post) I love my fantasy and nothing steals my mind away like HP.
Had to re-read before the 7th movie(s) come out.

Pretty much anything from Gail Carson Levine, I love. I have always said that I am a tom-boy, though I may not look it, I act like it! I guess you can say one of my "deep dark secrets" is, I have always loved the whole "Princess Thing". I always loved Cinderella. She was a normal every day girl that was shut away from the world, had every reason to hate her life, worked every day for people who didn't appreciate her, and she was chosen by the Prince and she had her happily ever after. Doesn't EVERY girl want that!? I did! I was told I was like the Princess from The Princess and the Frog. She was not a real princess, and she worked hard for everything in her life. I was told I work hard like she does, and, I guess it's true. I have had a job since I was 16 and I have had to work for everything I have; and I still do.
I ♥ this book!
and I re-read this one, too. (could not tell you how many times I have read this)
It's about 2 sisters and their love for each other.
I used to cry at the end of this one every time I read it because it reminded me of me and my sister. At the end, the sisters have to go their separate ways and it was always so sad but so touching to me :)

THIS is a new read. and can I tell you, I LOVED IT! Fablehaven reminded me of Harry Potter in the sense that, you are placed in the world as it is today, but, you then venture into this new world with in the world you know. SUCH an awesome fantasy!

And last but not least, book #24. (I know! I can't believe I read 24 books) This was new, too.
I thought this was going to be something I was not going to like, but OH MY HECK! By the end of the first chapter, I was HOOKED! I hate that I have read the first 2 Fablehavens and then this one because now I'm in the middle of reading 2 series and I hate reading multiple books at once! I'm torn on which one I should read next!


  1. Finish the Hunger Games series, it's awesome!!!

    Also, I think your summer reading list is awesome.

  2. THANKS KARISSA! I will finish, Trust me! ;)



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