Sunday, December 23

Come what may.... came.

Did I jinx myself? 'Come what may'..... yeah, I'm REALLY good at putting my foot in my mouth. Remember this post of mine on Motherhood in August? There's another side of my 'motherhood' insecurity that I didn't mention.... and it's one that I don't really talk about in case of taboo; you know, when you don't want to say something out loud in fear that the opposite will happen according to what you really want to happen? Yeah, it's one of those things. Well, I go without talking about it and it happens anyway.... so much for taboo.
I'd like to assume everyone knows about my current predicament, but, that would be ignorant of me (is that the right word I wanted to use?) so, I will re-inform all my readers like no one knows. 
During the first week of December, I went in and saw
my OB/GYN; I made the appointment about 2 months in advance. Needless to say, by the time the appointment rolled around, I had completely forgotten about it. Good thing they make reminder calls the day before! *Another taboo moment* You know when you go to the DR or Dentist and you are anticipating for something to be wrong and its not? Or the opposite thinking everything will be OK and it's not? Anyway, I go to my DR (who is now FREAKING far away!) not thinking much about my visit except hoping that they hurry because I wanted to get to work. My DR finally comes into my minuscule, sterile prison and we have a nice little girly chat. A few months previous, I had seen her for a check up in which she informed me that she was concerned that Dallin and I may have difficulties conceiving whenever we desired to start our family. We reflected back on that conversation and brought to light the new things which had come to pass since then; I thought she was going to say pretty much what she had months before and then I'd be on my merry way. Nope - wrong again. She asked more questions. I answered them. She then let me have it. You can tell when a DR has had their fair share in telling their patients bad news; she didn't even bat an eye - not for a second. "You have a hormone imbalance, if gone untreated, you will get cancer. You're at a high risk for Uterine Cancer."
Blast genetics! Why do I have to have female reproductive problems on both sides of my family!? 
I was instantly in shock and I had mentally checked out the rest of the day; no work for me. I wish I had kept myself together enough to ask more questions, but alas, time also was not on my side to give my brain the jump start it needed to even process what kind of questions I should ask. Her departing words to me were that I need to lose weight (30 - 50 pounds; yes! I have that much to lose. Everyone says I don't look like I need to lose that much, but, I do.) and that Dallin and I need to decide if I'm taking a) birth control b) Medroxyprogesterone - a pill that forces your body to have a period if you miss or are a week late. or c) prenatals; meaning we need to start trying to get pregnant. For some couples, this would not be a hard decision at all; it'd come down to either taking birth control or trying to get pregnant. No brainers, right? Except if that couple happens to be us - and it is. 
We're against birth control for a couple reasons: a) it turns me into a 24/7 B and Dallin doesn't enjoy having a grumpy, mean wife. b) birth control doesn't prevent pregnancy - it prevents a female from staying pregnant. It forces your body to abort a fetus. So birth control = forced abortion, no thanks. Speaking of forced abortion, we don't like the idea of me taking Medroxyprogesterone because if I were pregnant, it would also cause a forced abortion. The only upside to this medication is if I had to take this drug is only if I miss a period - so I wouldn't have to take it often. If I did take it, it'd only be for 10 days. The downside: If I had to take this medication, it would make my depression and anxiety (which I'm also being treated for if you don't already know) worse. Which also makes me more prone to being easily upset. No bueno. So option 3 seems like a winner, right? To pretty much every one else, and myself included, I'd say, "Yes! Sign me up for some prenatals, please!" My family members agree. Dallin and I have been married 3 years and we now have a house, why continue waiting? Why indeed. 
Oh my husband - I love the man but, this is one of those many situations where he drives me insane; I wait for him to come home so I can break him the bad news. I was naive enough to think that this should open his eyes and we can no longer delay our family. Wrong again. I told him our 3 options and he immediately said "No" to all three of them with out hesitation, like I knew he would. I was naive in thinking that he just needed some time to mull things over and he'll come around..... I waited, and waited, and waited. I waited to the point where I was on the edge of an anxiety attack and I couldn't be patient anymore; he needed to talk or I was going to lose it! His answer was that he wanted to look for a magical "fourth option." I about died. There is no fourth option. 
One of the lovely characteristics of Dallin's family is that they are way into all-natural and holistic everything. Which is good for your health for sure, but, for me it can be a bit extreme. Food, I can do, going to other options for illnesses and diseases .... not as much. I grew up with my mom being a nurse who is 110% behind western medicine - so I have major conflicts now between my 'old' family and my 'new' family, and with my personal views on certain matters. Dallin wants me to try an all natural alternative that I'm not fully comfortable with and don't think is worth solely relying on. It's my body and I want to feel comfortable with whatever I end up doing.
There is a non-invasive option that I would like to explore, but, it's not cheap and it's something I wouldn't want to just do by itself. I could shoot my brain (not literally), I can't remember what this program is called, but, my good friend and Mary Kay consultant does it and I love and trust this woman. She started a new business combining Mary Kay and this program; it's called The Beauty of Perspective
This program helps you to identify trapped negative filters, beliefs and traumas, and then she removes them to help you create the view you want in your life. I started doing this with her before she created the business and it really is a powerful tool. (Too bad I stopped!) This program is based on changing your thought process and re-building it with positive affirmations. The mind is a strong contributor in you building yourself up, or tearing your self down; I happen to be really good in doing the latter. I had my consultation with her last week and told her what my DR told me. This is how my results panned out:
High risk for uterine cancer: 73% Emotional (A lot to do with fear of motherhood)
Hormones problems/Thyroid: 55% Emotional
Weight: 100% Emotional
Prone to Diabetes: 8% Emotional
On a scale of 1(bad)-10(good)… where you are at right now emotionally:
How I view myself: 3
Love life:7
Family relationships: 8
Relationships with others: 6
How I feel about my job/career: 8
How I feel about money: 6
Dreams; do I feel they are being fulfilled: 8
Personal Sprituality: 3

33% of emotional issues are inherited.
Do you notice the connection between my spirituality and how I view myself? I thought that was eye opening. Its interesting, right? She asked me what my answers were and then asked my body/sub-conscious to see if they were right. They were both pretty close. The above listed is the latter. 
Now, have you caught on to where I'm going with this? No? Well, I'm about to tell you.
Going back to the beginning of this post, 'There's another side of my 'motherhood' insecurity that I didn't mention.... and it's one that I don't really talk about in case of taboo; you know, when you don't want to say something out loud in fear that the opposite will happen according to what you really want to happen? Yeah, it's one of those things.'
I have a fear of being a mother. There. I said it! Pretty much all of my problems I brought onto myself. Some of it is my genetics; I inherited it. Some is something physically wrong that needs to be fixed - the rest I've brought on myself; negative emotion. Way to go, self. 
Why do I have this fear? Good question. I'm still discovering answers to this question. I know some of it has to do with some of my unresolved, pent up anger I haven't dealt with.... because I don't know how to. I had/have temper problems. Once I realized it was a problem (somewhere between 14 and 16 years old.) I've been able to control it. The last couple years, I've had a harder time controlling it though. Because of this anger, I've been known to have violent black-outs, I lose control and I don't realize what I'm doing until after I've done it; I'm afraid that I will beat my children. I'm scared that because I'm not a good house wife and not the best wife in general, that I'll be a bad mother. I'm afraid that because I'm not that spiritual, that I will lead my children astray. Since Dallin and I don't have the best communication skills and we're known to have some nasty fights, that my children will be scarred for life or that there will be life altering consequences that will change their lives for the worse.  
I hate that I'm a ticking time bomb for something bad to happen. I can't tell you how severe, intense, and how opposite my mood swings have been. It's hard knowing what can happen if I don't do anything to change it now... since we know what I'm at risk for, my life isn't on the line, just the lives of future children that I might not have. It almost doesn't seem fair.... I'd almost rather have my life be at risk than just my ability to have children be on the line. It's scary knowing that me having a hysterectomy is almost inevitable.... it's only a matter of time. I'm 24. I should have a good 15 + years to be able to have children..... and depending on what happens, that can easily be ripped away from me. I don't mind adopting but, I want to have my own biological children.... and I hate that I feel selfish saying that.
Dallin and I have had some more talks and he's finally said that he doesn't mind trying to get pregnant, but that he wants to wait to try to get rid of some of his health issues first so they don't get passed on. I can understand that but, part of me is really irked by this statement because if he really feels that way, I feel he should have already been trying to work on this so when the time came to try, he'd be all ready to go. Isn't better to have children with mild health issues than to not be able to have any at all? 
I'm scared to lose the weight I need to just because I feel like I have no support system and I've never had to do it before, so, I don't know how to. I'm also scared because between all the discussions we've had, I still have yet to be actively doing something about my problem; I'm doing nothing. I'm trying to eat better but, it's so hard with it being the holiday season. The best I've done is trying to implement more protein in my diet, but, I feel my current efforts aren't enough.
We have some major talking, praying, and temple-going to do. Dallin and I have already had blessings regarding the decisions we need to make. I love the gospel and I love the Priesthood. Please feel free to pray for us, because lets face it, I think we can use all the prayers we can get. 


  1. Sorry for all your recent troubles! You know what I was thinking as I was reading this? This sounds exactly like me a few years ago and even recently. I'm not sure if you knew this but for a very long time I had some personal struggles with my appearance and my self esteem. Years of counseling did nothing until I found the perfect counselor for me. I will never forget what he said to me. "Brittany, do you know why people do the things they do and live the lives they live and have the thoughts they think? because they crave acceptance....nothing brings more happiness in life that when you feel accepted and nothing is more detrimental in life than when you feel rejected. Brittany, this is the core secret. You must have a sense of self worth and you must be the first to accept yourself. Once you do that, everything else will follow and you will be happy." Ashley, it was true! He proceeded to have me hold a plant. He told me that God made a lot of different things such as the fishes of the sea, amoebas, and plants. He asked me if I think these plants have a spirit? I told him I wasn't sure and he said, "Isn't it amazing that there are zillions of organisms, stars, and other forms of life floating around the universe and God made only one you? Isn't it amazing that you are one of His children? Isn't it amazing that he knows why you do the things you do and why you think the way you think? Isn't it amazing he gave you life, a beautiful face, a functioning body? Can't you see Brittany that God is the only thing that can heal you from any pain, afflictions, or addictions, all you have to do is trust Him. Once you do that, your problems will not seem like problems, but they will be blessings. Your weaknesses will become your strengths."

    Sorry this is so long but I feel like it's true. Maybe your problems with conception are part of His plan? Maybe he has children who were not blessed with good parents that need to be taken in by good parents like you and Dallin. Maybe it is not your time to conceive? Sometimes timing is everything. I have no idea what His plan is for you but he does have a plan. I find that "spiritual" test that you took interesting. Isn't it funny how when we feel like we are not having the best relationship with God, everything else falls apart? We develop negative thoughts and that negative thinking actually affects our bodies and our minds! It's crazy! You should read a book called, "As a Man Thinketh." You will realize that all your negative thinking is shortening your life! I am a negative thinker too, it's just my blood and the family I was raised in. Then, I married into JJ's family who is always exuding positive thoughts and energy. I feel I developed habits of having an attitude of gratitude with them. As you know, JJ and I had a hard time getting pregnant as well. I was having surgery after surgery and ovarian issues. It took us a while but I noticed that right when I threw up my hands and let the Lord do his thing, I got pregnant. I stopped allowing anger for not getting pregnant on MY timeline to consume my thoughts. When I was in the hospital with my baby and not knowing whether or not she or I would make it with my pulmonary embolism, it was finally when I threw my hands up and God and gave into his will that whatever happened was part of his plan. The CT scan came back and the clot disappeared.

  2. I also think that eating is a form of temporary emotional satisfaction. I did it too. My struggles were for 10 years of eating disorders. Food was my only outlet. However, since I found my self worth by strengthening my relationship with Heavenly Father, I was able to let go of those food addictions and practice "moderation in all things" which is what it says in the scriptures. I am the healthiest I have ever been. I don't ever restrict myself on what I can or can't eat. I eat what I want but I do maintain control of my portions because....why eat all of it in one day when you can have it everyday? Why eat an entire pie when you can spread it out and eat a piece of pie for breakfast everyday!! It's the best.

    Okay, this is so long but I hope you are seeing a common thread. I don't doubt that you and Dallin are great people with great ambitions and desires and you are great Latter Day Saints. But it you notice how I came around is because I took to heart all of the gospel principles that are taught and I applied them. Just remember that God is a positive being. He wants you to be positive and once you are, everything will fall into place! :)

    Love you Ash, hope this helps.

  3. OH, one more thing. You talked about fear. You said you feared losing weight and being a mom. Let me tell you that those are two amazing blessings. Never fear losing weight, as long as you do it the right way. Never fear being a mom, pregnancy prepares you for that! Just read my favorite chapter of scripture which is D and C section 6. 33 Fear not to do good, my sons, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward.

    34 Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.

    35 Behold, I do not condemn you; go your ways and sin no more; perform with soberness the work which I have commanded you.

    36 Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.

    37 Behold the wounds which pierced my side, and also the prints of the nails in my hands and feet; be faithful, keep my commandments, and ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven.

    you have nothing to worry about, NO MORE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS. I'll be your support system if you need one

  4. First off, I was so heartbroken when I heard this news. It's so hard to get that sort of news, and especially around the holidays. It's kind of crazy that you found out the first week of December, as The it was the first week of December when I found out I was going to miscarry when I was pregnant three years ago.

    Also, It's totally not selfish to want biological children. It's totally and completely natural. It takes a long time to be ok with the idea of never being able to bear children-sometimes I even find myself having a hard time with it still.

    I truly hope and pray for you that things will work out for you and you'll be able to have children. It takes a lot of courage to be able to admit to all of these fears. Have you thought of seeing a counselor of some sort? I think that could make a world of difference; they truly can do amazing things for people. Also, I'm so glad you're relying on the Priesthood. I know that if you keep praying, pondering, listening, and reading the scriptures you'll find the answers you need.

    I don't know if this helps, but actually most types of birth control do prevent pregnancy, they don't abort it. Most of them stop you from ovulating so that you can't get pregnant. Just so you know, if you wanted to re-consider that option. It makes me into a crazy woman too, so I wouldn't blame you if you don't.

    And, most importantly, if you ever want to talk I'm always here. Talking to infertile women about infertility is actually really wonderful. When we went to one of our adoption education classes they had us all talk to each other about infertility and it was honestly one of the best and most spiritual experiences I've ever had. It really helped me sort out my feelings. I know it has been hard sometimes for me because Jayson won't be as sad about it as me or we'll be sad at different times and that can be frustrating. I love you and you're in my prayers!



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