Sunday, October 24


Can I just say I am REALLY starting to hate technology?? This is what humanity is addicted to. Because we can get on games like W.O.W. and pretend to be someone else, make our own world where we rule and no one can tell us what to do. Where we can hide behind our facebook masks and talk all sorts of crap to someone on their wall but would never DREAM to do it in that persons face.

Where we can record private things of someone else's privacy and exploit it on the web for the whole world to see.

This is a conversation I have been having with a friend of mine and I think all that is true.

Remember, there is this thing in the Constitution (*an important document that helped create the United States that most Americans have forgotten about) called FREEDOM OF SPEECH - Which means that anyone can say what they want and not be prosecuted for it (Which Americans completely ignore these days). EVERYONE is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, that is what makes you, YOU! If everyone thought the same, what a boring world this would be. ACCEPT these differences in each other, people!

My friend felt because she accidentally offended some "friends" of hers on facebook, that she had to delete her facebook account and create another when she was being prosecuted for saying what she wanted on HER page. These people chose to be her friend, they chose to read her page, they chose to be offended, and they chose to prosecute her. HELLO!? This was on her page not meaning to offend ANYONE! Its not like it was directed at someone on their page, that would make the situation entirely different!

This was me asking what happened and why did she get a new facebook:

  • J -I offended a few people with something I said on my other facebook so I decided to get a new one and have just my friends on it who I know isn't easily offended.

  • Ashley Ford what did you say?

  • J -I called rob zombie my god and everyone took it the wrong way. They thought I worship rob zombie and not the real god which isn't what I meant by it I meant rock god.

  • Ashley Ford- huh. i guess it depended on how you worded it.

  • J- this is how I worded it. "It's nice to see "my" God up close and personal" it did sound like how everyone took it but I didn't mean it that way and I honestly didn't think it sound like that.

  • Ashley Ford- im sorry. I think we all have our own "gods" of something but dont mean to actually worship it.

  • J- Exactly! I meant rock god and not the real god and I don't worship him like the real one. People are just easily offended.

  • Ashley Ford- religion these days is definitely a touchy subject, but, so is about anything; politics, gay rights, etc. Everyone needs to just be nice and love everyone. We are all human beings and thats what we are looking for in one form or another: love and acceptance.

  • J -Very true. What made me upset was instead of coming and talking to me letting me know that my comment has offended them they just decided to get mad at me and pass judgement on me behind my back.

  • Ashley Ford- welcome to social networking. This has become peoples new found courage. Betcha 10 bucks 1/2 the people on here would not say the things they would if they were face to face with these people.

  • J- That is very true. They're just wimps that take to the internet to have their fights. With me everything I say on here I say in real life and face to face.

    This makes me upset at how PATHETIC people are. But really, it all comes down to BULLYING. I don't know whats worse; real in person bullying or cyber bullying. Bullying is a soft spot for me because I was bullied and made fun of most of my school life. One of my many reasons why I hate the public school system, but, yes I know, bullying is everywhere. I'm terrified to send my kids to school because I don't want them to go through what I did, but, I would be SO pissed if they were the ones picking on other kids! There are reasons why guns have been brought to school - Because kids are tired of being picked on and they dont know how to stop it so they are going to go to the source to stop the problem for good. Either the bully is coming to an end or the bullied is going to end their own life. Another thing that I hate is when people say, "I tried to understand your situation . . . . " BULL SHIT! If you really did "TRY" to understand, you would ask questions for them to help you understand. For you to not ask questions is not trying to understand at all. You're just trying to make yourself look innocent in the situation to keep yourself out if trouble. OWN UP TO YOUR MISTAKES! People will respect you MORE for it. and you will have less people resent you.

    Seriously people, be considerate to others and don't pass judgment. You don't know what a person has been through, you don't know how poor they are, or how sick they are, or depressed, abused, stressed or anything! Unless you want people to judge you, back off!


    1. I totally agree. That's crazy about your friend! Even if she was worshipping him like God, that's still no reason for anyone to be rude. I think sometimes we belittle people and we think it will help them stop doing something they shouldn't be, but I think concern is the best way. If we're worried we should express concern, not put down.

    2. I know, I am scared to send my kids to school too. I want them to get social interactions but I want to protect them from all the bad out there. I have thought about home school but I don't want them to miss out on the things they learn at school and being around people...its a tough decision.

      (P.S. Please watch your language Ashley, you know better.)



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