Thursday, September 8

Has it been 2 years already!?

Tomorrow is our 2 years of marriage mark, Ho-ly COW! It's been the longest and hardest 2 years of my life. I'm just grateful we had each other so we weren't going through our hardships alone - and we've definitely have had our relationship tried and tested to the limit! Yet, here we are. It has not been the most ideal past 2 years, but, whats done is done. We definitely learned (the hard way I might add) that you can't help others when you can't even help yourselves/self. That includes family. Living with our families over time has nearly drove us apart - multiple times. The trailer was the most toxic situation; I love my brother and sister, but the stress and the high-tension living environment was too much. I desperately miss living in the trailer, though. We had space, somewhat more privacy, an amazing ward, and our own things there. Because of all these high stress situations -  I've become completely altered and I'm not the happy-go-lucky-bubbly-girl most of you knew me to be. I hate that the past year has made me this way. The whole past 2 years, we've been delayed to allow our marriage to bloom, so, we are extremely late bloomers -  we haven't even had all of our 'first year of marriage fights' yet! 
I hope and pray that our worst years are behind us and that the next 2 bring peace, relief, happiness and a blooming relationship!

P.S. Don't even bother asking about kids - I'm dreading the influx of the dumb question. We will NOT start a family while living with family and they won't even be a thought until we live at least a year in our own place. 

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