Monday, November 14

Ode to Yoda and his 'Master'

I am a very open person; when something bothers me, I vent or write. My husband is very much the opposite of me; he internalizes everything. This is his first loss of this magnitude and, on the surface he looks fine, but, I think he is hiding a lot of pain that he doesn't want anyone to see; and I can only (kind of) tell by the few glimpses I've seen. Him and I handle sorrow and loss differently, and, I don't really know how to help him get over this. It makes my heart ache for him... I am sad about this, too, but, Yoda was his cat, his baby - not mine. I think the biggest struggle is that we will never actually know how he died. Perfectly fine and healthy, and the next day, we find him dead. At least he looked like he passed peacefully in his sleep, but, we'll never know. 

 Dallin loved and adored his buddy; can't you tell? 

I can even tell that Gizmo is missing his friend. I've noticed he isn't eating as much since Yoda left us. When they would cuddle with each other or play, I would always call them Ying and Yang.

Sometimes, I still can't believe that Mia is gone. The thing thats really hard about this is that we lost both of them with in about a year and half of each other. That really is the hardest part....

The biggest thing that has helped Dallin so far was when we saw Puss in Boots on Friday. We are by no means cartoon lovers, or even big Disney fans; we LOVE our Marvel and Super Hero movies that have been coming out, but, Dallin simply giggled through out the movie. It helped lighten our minds and our hearts. 

This is one of the scenes (that someone drew) from the movie. All we could think of was that Yoda is in heaven with Mia and they are playing together waiting for us to come home, eagerly waiting to greet us. 

We miss them so much

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