Tuesday, January 3

Welcome 2012!

2011 is a year that will most definitely not be missed. For about 9 months (started in 2010 that went into 2011) we were dirt. poor. We didn't have decent jobs. We were (and still are) in dysfunctional and unhealthy living situations. Our marriage suffered tremendously; all I can say is that if we didn't have the church in our lives, and some caring friends, I think we would be split up right now. We've never had to work so hard at something. All I can say is that if you're not willing to fight for your marriage or put in the work (which is a 24/7 FULL TIME job), don't get married. 

Highlights of this past year. (no particular order)

  • Abigail was born (June 9th) 
  • Kyle (Ashley's cousin) got married. 
  • Dallin got job at the foundry.
  • I started school. 
  • Getting out of Utah for Christmas
  • Seeing mom a couple times last year.
  • Going to Lagoon. 
  • Aeros was born. (Dec 23rd)

Low lights of the past year.

  • Losing Yoda. 
We're not the type of people to make resolutions. Goals should be made and kept year round. A goal is like a promise - don't break a promise to yourself. 

All we want is our privacy and our independence. Thats the only thing we have sacrificed in our marriage; and its almost torn us apart. I will say this, sacrificing those 2 things are not worth the stress or living for free. I hope we can finally "grow up" and get our own place - I don't even care if it's a studio and if we're barely scraping by; all we need is each other and our privacy. I'd be content severing family ties temporarily by moving out of state for a little while just to get away. All we want is:
  • Our own place.
  • & one of us to finally get on a degree or career path.
We are tired of crap jobs. 

It would be so nice to be comfortable financially so we can even start talking about to even be thinking about having kids. At the rate we're going - we're going to be married 5 + years before kids even come. 

The stress 2011 caused put me in the ER twice, which racked up our debt even more, which was just another stress on top of everything else that almost split us up.

So, like I said, we're not going to miss 2011 At. All. 

Hopefully your 2011 was better than ours and hope that 2012 can be a better year for everyone.

If you never got a card from us, here you go.

Hope you had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years.

P.S. Don't forget to make sure you're registered to VOTE this year! 

1 comment:

  1. Here's to 2012! I hope it's a wonderful year for you! I hope everything works out for you guys this year. If anyone deserves it, it's totally you.



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