Tuesday, October 30

Halloween weekend

I know I keep promising posts, but, I just don't know when I will get to them. Anyway, this past weekend was SO fun! Best (pre) Halloween I've ever had! It started on Friday night. My wonderful aunt is in town from England and we had a Rasmussen Family Halloween party. We all dress up, stuff our faces, have contests and play games - it's always a blast! (Especially when you have some awesome extended family members, too ;) ) 

This year was the first time ever that Dallin and I matched costumes for Halloween. (and I think my 1st time ever [in many years anyway] that I've dressed up as a 'good guy' or something not scary - what can I say? I love my horror.) 

Anyway - this is how our night ended.... all the super heroes (and super villain?) had a show down with the zombies. You know you're jealous that your family never had a costume party show down ;) 

The next day:

We ran a 5K - our 1st one.

It was the Zombie Chase. We never trained for it - and I know we paid for it, but, it was a blast! 

Afterwards, Dallin, Todd, Coleton and I went to Trafalga and played laser tag for a few hours.

Then we dropped the boys off and went to Gato's to play 

Left 4 Dead and watched episode 302 of 

Walking Dead - we love this show! 

By this time, we were very exhausted! After we enjoyed our lunch from Cafe Rio, we went home to take a much deserved and needed nap. 

Afterwards, we got super heroe'd up again and rescued some civilians from the grasps of zombies! 

We went to the Zombie Apocalypse at the xsi factory in Lehi by Thanksgiving Point; IT.WAS. AWESOME! I love scary stuff and generally don't get scared. This creeped me out and I would TOTALLY recommend it! SO fun! I just wish it was longer! 

OK, to end the night, we attended a dance party that was also in the xsi factory. It was also a debut party for Alex Boye's new single, Zombie.

Oh, c'mon! You know Alex Boye' - Utah famous LDS artist who also happens to be in Mo Tab? 

This dude? OK, let's move on.

ANYWAY, Alex Boye' was there, and it was AWESOME! As we were getting in line, they told us to come back to hear him perform. By the time we finished, we missed it. We went back and asked if we could get a picture with him - and we did. :) 

Albeit not a good one, but, a picture regardless. After I asked him if he sang his song, and then that was when were informed that we missed it. I was bummed. So, we headed out to the dance floor - it was pretty empty, but, we tore it up anyway. Dallin was freakin' hilarious since he had his mask on and no one could see his face. We were apparently there long enough for Alex to come back out and sing his new song again. (Which was released today btw) As the music started, he said a few words about the song and then said that  'this song is dedicated to bat girl'; how awesome is that!?

During the song there is an instrumental interlude; in the pick up to it, I slowly realized that through the darkness and the flashing lights that Alex was walking closer and closer to me. Then, he grabbed me and we started dancing! It was SO fun! I got a picture with him, a song dedicated to me, & I got to dance with him?! I can't think of any better way to end the evening. 

You should watch the video. Like. NOW. 

Our Zombie filled day was perfect and so fun! Hope you had an awesome Halloween weekend, too!

1 comment:

  1. SO fun! And, yes, you're right. I'm totally jealous that your family has a Halloween showdown and mine doesn't.

    What a fun weekend! And so cool that you got a song dedicated to you AND dance! EEE!



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