Thursday, January 28

What to say???

I feel obligated to post something; and I'm not sure why.
There is not much going on in our lives; which is a good and bad thing. We get to see each other more, but, we see each other SO much that we are hardly working. It's not our choice! We just have 3 quarter time jobs and we are barely scrapping by. But, I'm not sure how much longer we can just "scrap by". Dallin has been job searching for WEEKS in vain. He is such a good little worker, but, its heart breaking to see all the hard work he has been putting into looking for a job just for it to be all in vain. :( He was really positive the first few weeks and now he is so discouraged. I put in applications when I see something I might have a chance to get, but, I don't have the heart to put in as much effort as Dallin because, if he's not getting anything, I'm sure I won't either. And he has TONS more experience than I do! So, I have been trying to promote myself with the little Photography experience I DO have, but, nothing yet :( Although, I do have a friend who wants me to do picture of him, his wife, and their dogs in the spring! So, I am VERY excited about that! But, we need to get by until then.
I recently auditioned for a local choir and MADE IT!!!! Salt Lake Symphonic Choir! I am SO happy I don't have to feel like my voice is going to waste! Also, my mom is coming to visit in about a week! I am SO excited! I am the BIGGEST mommy's girl EVER!!! I have not seen her since the wedding was not able to say good-bye to her :( So, I am very happy she is coming! If you made it this far into the blog, thanks for reading! If you have ANY information on jobs, PLEASE let us know! We are on the verge of being desperate! Dallin wants to be a Pharmacist, so, if you know anything of that nature as well that could help us PLEASE let us know!!!

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