Wednesday, February 3

I envy those who have had an easy life. . . .

(I feel like no one reads these or even checks this; I feel this is for me to pour my heart out to something that does not care, but, thats something that I'm used to.)
What people consider easy, is different per person. I'm not trying to have a pity party, but, I can't help it. (This is Ashley blogging) I have had a rough life. Everyone's story is different, yes, my life could have been easier and yes it could have been harder, but, to each their own. I envy those who:
*have never had to go through their parents getting divorced, and being there for all the fights that led up to it; years worth.
*being diagnosed with depression at a young age and struggling with problems that none of your class mates know about and having them tease you for years on end.
*being suicidal in 5th grade.
*have had their parents get re-married and going through the drama and heart ache that brings.
*having to watch a parent go through a 2nd divorce.
*having to watch a parent put up your new sister for adoption knowing that the current marriage and living situation is not healthy for a baby to be in. and not knowing when you are going to see her again.
*having one of your parents and their spouse hate your other parent; even after its been YEARS later of little, or no drama. The lies that are brought up between parents.
*losing a sibling to "emancipating" themselves at 17 and hardly seeing them while they were "gone" for 2 years.
*losing another sibling to drugs, and lies, and bitterness and having them hate you for caring for them.
*having to watch a parent move away when you would want to keep them in your pocket with you if it were possible.
*having to watch/listen to that parent with the struggles of starting all over again.

And this is only touching the surface.

There is only SO much a strong person can endure, and I feel I am getting to the end of my rope. I don't want to be strong anymore; I'm done. I hate putting up with all the things I do. But, what other choice do I have? I really thought getting married would change a lot of these things, but, I'm still as poor as I was growing up, if not poorer. Family drama is the worst its ever been. The only difference is I'm not alone anymore, and that makes the biggest difference in the world. I really don't know where I would be without Dallin. He is my hero. He rescued me from myself. I was on the edge of a very dark place in my life, all I had to do was take the plunge. I probably would be into drugs at this point and who knows what else. And I KNOW thats the path I would be on right now. I am a big pessimist, but, I do have things to be grateful for.
*Dallin; the love of my life and my hero.
*my mom; she is the best friend anyone could ask for!
*my dog; being there for me when no one else was.
*some of my extended family; they are a blessing in my life!
*a loving and forgiving heavenly father; if he was not forgiving, I don't know where I would be in my life.

My only hope is, is that when Dallin and I do start our own family, I do not want them to have a life even CLOSE to mine! They need a happy life. If it cost me to go through hell for them to not know what hell feels like, I will take it! Plus, I don't think I could bear to go through it again. There are only so many times a heart can break and try to mend its self again. Because of all the things I have gone through, I can relate to a lot of things and I try my best to help those along the way.


  1. Hey Ash, I had suicidal thoughts in 4th grade. I was basically blamed for my parents divorce, and I am watching my mom getting divorced again... I know how you are feeling... If you ever need to talk I will always be here to listen... I read your blog, I wish we had been closer friends in High School You helped me after my Grandma passed... Ballroom was what I looked forward to because seeing that I had a friend to say hi to me was what got me through the tough times. Call me or email me when ever you want.

  2. My sweet sister Ashley,
    I cannot relate to all of the horrible things you have gone through...I can however offer a shoulder to cry on day or night (seriously, you have my number and I have a car). I can offer any support you might need or want. I would do anything for you "sis", please let me know when, where, and how I can help. You are amazing, you are strong and I really look up to you (as do many others).

  3. Hey Ashley this is Jenny. Some of the things that you mentioned I totally know how you feel. I understand that life just gets to the point where you just want to run away and never look back. I developed a eating disorder when I was 13 and it lasted on and off for 7 years. I remember when I got to my lowest that I just wanted to run away and never come back cause I couldn't deal with it anymore. I figured I would just go to any place that $500.00 would take me (that was how much I had saved up at the time.)

    I feel for you and I want you to know that I'm here for you and if you ever need to talk to someone feel free to message me on facebook. I really hope you find happiness soon you deserve it.



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