Monday, March 15

Mia died today.

My baby girl went to heaven today. March 15, 2010 1:30 PM. She has been in my life 14 + years. One of the most beautiful cats I have ever seen. I'm going to miss her so much. I have a harder time dealing with animal deaths than I do people. Sounds messed up, but, it's true. I am an all-out animal lover! I would TOTALLY be one of those crazy old ladies with a ton of cats and dogs over-running my house! She was a stubborn kitty, but, she takes after her mommy ;) Dealing with her dying due to cancer, we had a few weeks to prepare for it. It was hard to watch her deteriorate in front of our eyes. She was a fighter; even until the very end. Going through this has made me figure out what I want to do with my life. Since I can't see myself living with out animals, I figured I needed a way to deal with this aspect of being a pet-lover. I want to be a Veterinary Technician. Animals help me go on in life, so, I want to return the favor.

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