Tuesday, April 6

YES! An ACTUAL update and some random ramblings . . .

As you can tell, I am obsessed with changing the profile background and what not, but, not actually updating. I'm trying.
SO! With the job situation, we went from "jobless" (meaning: we really HAVE jobs, but, are only scheduled MAYBE once or twice a week; if it can't pay the bills, might as well be jobless, right?) to Dallin FINALLY getting a job at America First Credit Union! He had like 3 or 4 interviews that went no where! Was promised other jobs that fell through, and nothing was working out, so after months of looking, Dallin got his "dream" job! YAY!!!!!! I can't WAIT til he gets his benefits! FINALLY decent health insurance! I got a job as well, but, it's not as exciting as Dallin's. When Dallin was "promised" a job at the Cencus call center, I found a job at the center too so we could "work together." Only the one I found was in the cafeteria, not the actual call center part. When I found the ad for it. It said "Prep cook/Line cook needed." Well, with all my kitchen experience from the Mayan, I thought I would have no problem getting the job. Which turned out to be true. Only, what I applied for I did not get. So, I was lied to and I'm not too happy about it. Pretty much, I'm a dish washer. Can I just tell you I HATE doing dishes!? I don't even do my own dishes at home! I don't really enjoy getting paid to soak myself in soapy, warm water with gross food leftovers spattering me in my face. The only upside to it - I am getting my hours now; whop-pie. I get paid $8.00 dollars an hour to hose myself down at work. It's a blow to my self esteem. I feel really low to be in such a job. I keep telling myself "its only temporary til August" but, I don't know if I can last that long! The lame part is, is if I just waited, just a little bit longer, I now would be getting more hours at the Country Club; because since it's slowly getting "warmer", it's slowly getting busier.

Dallin has officially started going to school today! We both will be going to Utah Career College! He is going to get his diploma for a Pharmacy Technician, and when I go in July or October, I will get my Associates in Vet Technician. Dallin will transfer to a University to continue on to being a Pharmacist!

It took me awhile to get over Mia dying; and in part of my healing process, in my mind I "had to" re-do the house. I moved EVERYTHING around! Part of it was, when I would be walking through the house, in the corner of my eye I SWORE I could see Mia lying down in her usual places. I would turn to look, and, she was not there. That was hard. It's still surreal to think that she is gone. Well, since I moved things around, that has not happened, so, it's helped.

When we got our tax return, we wanted to pay debt off and all that "fun" stuff, but, I wanted to make sure we had some fun money. So, with my fun money, I got my hair done (blond highlights - compliments to Dallin [he called my stylist and told her what he wanted))and I FINALLY got me some new clothes! Been over a YEAR since I did that! I was DYING! Dallin replaced our finally dead X-BOX 360; he was ECSTATIC when it got here!

We found out Sunday/Monday, that one of Dallin's cousins committed suicide. He (dallin) is ok, so, pray for the Larson Family. The really sad part about this though is that Nate is the 2nd sibling within a YEAR from the same family to die from suicide! Nate's sister Natalie committed suicide (but could have possibly been murdered) almost exactly a year ago! I can't imagine what this poor family is going through. So, we are going to Nate's funeral on Saturday.

After the funeral, we will be heading out to Colorado to see my Grandparents! I am excited! My dogs are coming, too, so, one happy family!

My best friend Candice has moved in with us; just for a short time. She is in-between moving, so, she is staying with us until she can move in the beginning of May! I am excited that she is here though. I love having a fuller home!

If you have made it this far, congrats! I know this is a bit long, but, thats what happens when I don't regularly update.

I am sure you have noticed that I am more of a half-empty sort of person. I'm not trying to purposefully be a pessimist, but, its just how I think. I have been going through a lot of different struggles over the last couple years, and I'm hoping I am on my way out of it! It got significantly worse when I started my birth control. I stopped using it in November and I think I am just NOW starting to have a regular/normal hormone balance. Dallin and I have been, I think, more ab-normally rocky than normal because of it. (YES I know that "the first year of marriage is the hardest" but, I think it's been harder than it should have been." Well, I think I have bitten off more than I can say, so, I hope this isn't going to be "INFORMATION OVERLOAD"

Thanks for reading!

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