Tuesday, April 13


Some of the gorgeous view on the way up to my grandparents :)

Me (holding Gizmo) and my auntie Lisa (holding Max) :)

My Granpa (holding Casey) and Granma (holding Tripper)

Me and the hubby :)

YES! I know! I brought my DOGS with me! Dallin did not want to, BUT, I have been going to my grandparents for YEARS and we always brought the dogs with us! Except, back then, it was our 3 dogs instead of 2, so, there used to be 5 dogs running around my grandparents place.
Tripper and Max are brothers, Max is Gizmo's daddy, Max and Gizmo are mine and Casey and Tripper are my Grandparents. We all love our dogs very much!
My aunt really took to Max and Max really took to her (which was surprising to me). My aunt and her family lost their long time companion Holly (a german shepard)a few months ago. When we lose our pets; its a devastating loss. I think Max was able to help my Aunt heal a little more, and that made me happy :)
We did nothing too exciting. We got a chance to sleep in, eat yummy granma made meals, talk, laugh, enjoy each others company, play with the dogs, and Dallin got to play one of my granma's favorite Xbox games (YES! My granma plays xbox! and she was the one that got my family into it, too!) OddWorld. Dallin enjoyed it.
The one thing that TERRIFIES me about going to my granparents and bringing the dogs is that since all of our dogs are so small, we have to keep an eye on them or they can be taken and EATEN by owls, hawks, coyotes, mountain lions, and bob cats! During they day, thay are more ok, but, at night! You HAVE TO WATCH!!! SO scary!
I was bummed to leave because we were there for less than 2 days :( i wanted another 2 days, atleast. It was so sunny when we got up and left. Then we just get back to Utah with black skies and stormy-rainyness! GAH!!!!
But, over-all, it was a good trip :)

Saturday morning, before we went out, we went to Dallin's cousins funeral. It was a very depressing funeral. I never cry at funerals and can't remember the last one I did cry at one, but, this one made me cry. His cousin, Nate, killed himself. I have never met him. I cried because he had depression, which led him to do what he did. Depression runs deep in my family. All of us (including me) were "suicidal" at one time or another, so, it was something that struck home to me, and it is very close and personal to me.
I am excited to have kids when the time comes, but, I am EXTREMELY nervous with the fact that we have a lot of mental illness on both sides of our families :( I don't think I could bear it if I had a kid who killed themself :( How do you even prepare for that?

Anyway! We are back home and back to working and school (Dallin is), so life is boring again. :D

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