Tuesday, December 28

Special dates and a New Year

Dallin and I have not had much "us" time the past few months, but, in the last 2-4 weeks, we have made time to go on some dates and I can't believe the difference its made! I forgot how fun date nights are. Besides these fun date nights, we have been coming up on some other special 'dates'. Dec 26th is our first date anniversary, we officially started going out Jan 7th, and on Valentines Day we said "I Love You'. These are all coming up on 2 years. :) Wow! Can't believe it!

I think Dallin and I are "late bloomers" when it comes to our relationship. We did struggle a lot our first year; YES I know its 'supposed to be hard' but, I think ours was harder than the average first year of marriage. We have done the math and we found that in the 1 yr and 3 months we have been married, we have been living on our own for 4 months, and thats it. We have had my brother, his g.f., my sister, my friend, and my niece and nephew live with us the rest of that remaining time. (all at separate time of course) I am grateful that my husband has been willing to help my family and handle my family drama and being supportive to the best of his abilities during this time. I am a HUGE family person and I love my family very much, but, since I am now married, Dallin needs to be my main priority and I have not made him my main priority. I can not put in words how guilty I felt when I finally realized I was doing that. This realization has helped me discover what I want for some of our goals next year.
1. I want us to do some kind activity/hobby together that is positive and will help our unity grow more closer and stronger.
2. I want us to find something we enjoy doing on our own to help us be better individuals.
3. I want us to do better in our worship; both as a couple and individually.
4. I want us to work to better our communication skills.
5. I want to see our families more and take advantage to see them while we can.

I know that if we do these goals together, we can be invincible :)


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