Monday, March 28

Day 14

A Picture of someone you can't imagine your life with out.

Honestly, I really can't think who to put up here/narrow down to. I have had many people in my life I thought I could not live with out, but, I have managed to go on with out them just fine. Through out my life, I have been hurt by many people, so, I don't trust many. I didn't have many friends growing up and I was always the kid in all my classes throughout elementary school that got teased; at all 3 elementary schools I went to. Which is part of the reason why I don't have many friends my age because I think (most) people my age are immature. In middle school, I thought those days were behind me and I had my group of "friends" through out middle school, then in 9th grade, they all chose to "kick me out" so, I was friendless again. High school starts and I go to Jordan instead of Alta (since Alta is the boundary school I wassupposed to go to) and I had no friends pretty much most of my Sophomore year. My last 2 years were MUCH better. After High school I had friends that I thought I would have forever and over time, they ended up dis-owning me, too. Because of all this and other issues not listed here, I have abandonment issues; I leave you before you leave me, thats my motto. Which is why I would prefer to die first out of my family.
Since I have had all these people leaving me throughout my life time, it takes a lot for me to consider someone to be a good/best friend. I am an extremely loyal friend, but, once I consider highly of you, it's hard to lose me :) You just have to get up there. The main 2 I can think of who have made it onto that list are my mom and my sister; even though at different times, I have felt abandoned by them, but, I know that they will always be there for me. Next in line would be a lady in my ward, Karen Poch; she is currently my Relief Society President. I have never met a woman like her. She is unfailingly kind and the most NON-JUDGMENTAL women I have ever met. She is probably the one LDS person I have truly felt befriended by. Candice is up there, too. AND my auntie!

My mom and my sister, Amber.

Kristin (Karen's Daughter on her wedding day) and Karen Poch

Me, my sister, and Candice. This was one of the best girls' day, EVER!

One "lovely" trait about the Rasmussen Family (born or married into - who ever has had/wanted the last name Rasmussen in OUR family) has the "wonderful" trait of Pride. Yes, I realize as human beings we regularly go through the pride cycle, but, my family is really bad. (and I'm included!)

My Aunt Cheryl shown above I think has been the only one to master the pride (or hide it well ;) ) She is such a kind and loving person and I don't know what I (and I am sure other members of my family agree with me) would have done with out her involved in my life! She always has her arms and heart open to you and her ear and shoulder ready to lend if needed. I'm glad that through out my life when other members of my family were not always constant, there or reliable; she was. and still is. I Love You Aunt Cheryl!

Your idea of a perfect date.

Honestly the "dinner and a movie" date is getting WAY over-rated. You gotta do something fun, but it can't take away from the dates' attention. Maybe Boondocks or something that can get the adrenaline going but you can still pay attention to the other person to get to know them. Then maybe go get a treat, like ice cream or something and talk some more. Maybe even go on a walk in a park or something. The whole point of a first date is to get to know the person better enough to know if you want to keep dating them, right? talk, Talk, TALK!

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