Tuesday, March 8

I might hate myself for this, but . . .

I'm going to give it a shot. Since I am SO indecisive, I'm going to attempt to combine BOTH Blog Challenges. I know, I'm crazy. SO, Here I go!

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts. & A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.

1. I am a tom-boy. I may look like a girl (sometimes) but, I don't act like one. (Girly-ness bothers me)
2. I am a dog person. The bond I have with my dog . . I can't even find the words to describe it.
3. I like to play video games but don't consider myself a 'gamer' (thats Dallin). Our current love is Left 4 Dead (zombie apocalypse game) on x-box 360.
4. I have more guy friends than girlfriends.
5. I HATE sports!
6. I am the oldest of (almost; my step-mom is pregnant) 10 children in an incredibly blended family.
7. I am a mommy's girl.
8. I LOVE cars! A '67 Shelby gt-500 Ford Mustang is my dream car *drool*
9. I love the outdoors and love to get dirty!
10. I am sexist against men and women.
11. If money wasn't an issue, I would love to be professional student.
12. It's my dream to design my own home.
13. I like to and miss singing. (like really-getting-into-it SINGING)
14. My family means everything to me even though they have caused me the worst heart-aches I've ever faced in my life.
15. I am not afraid to die.

I did not have the best sleep last night. I worked today and it was incredibly slow and we had corporate over so, we had to be "perfect" which was more annoying than stressful. Came home, talked with my mom. We got ready and went out (me, dallin, mom, amber, & harlin).
Came home, took a bath, Dallin went to bed at 8 (his temp job is at 5 am, 5 days a week : / ) and then I watched some TV and now I am on the computer waiting for my mom to come back home safely with my car.

The End
for now


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