Tuesday, May 24

Trying to be positive. .

I am more of a 'glass half empty' type of person and I firmly believe that everyone's brains filters things differently - some see things half full, others, half empty - it's just that the half empty viewers seem to be picked on more. I'm going to try to list things that I am grateful for, and, I know this will take awhile because I don't see things that way, so, expect both spectrum's. And I will be stating other things that have been on my mind lately.

  • I'm grateful I have a roof over my head and I am grateful that my In-Laws are kind enough (and awesome!) to make room for us in their home.
  • I wish we could have our own place - have yet to have one being married; but at least we are no longer in a position where my siblings can no longer take advantage of us.
  • I desperately wish SO much that I had a social life and friends :'(
  • I'm grateful that Dallin finally has a job and that our income no longer depends on him donating plasma twice a week - I just hate that its a dangerous job, crappy hours and I never see him because he is either working, studying, or sleeping. :(
  • I'm grateful to have Gizmo as my 4-legged companion who keeps me company when I am lonely (which is a LOT). I'm just terrified that this lump he has is cancerous and I'm not emotionally stable enough right now for something like that to happen.
  • I hate that I am resentful and envious towards people I know moving forward in their lives by attending school, graduating college, starting their careers, getting pregnant, getting a house, or traveling. I should be happy for them; I want to be, but, I'm not. I want to BE one of those people, but, we are so far off from any of that, it's not even funny. I just feel like ever since we got married, we have been going backwards in life, not forwards. (This is my BIGGEST insecurity right now.)
  • I'm grateful I have a job and I love the people I work with. - I just hate that I make minimum wage, it's fast food, and NOT my dream job!
  • I want to be in school so desperately bad that there are no words to express my want and desire for an education. I just hate how my whole life my family has always made enough to not qualify for government help, so, I can't. The real poor have it easy because the government can help them and the rich can help themselves; it's the middle class people who are the TRULY poor people.
  • I hate that Dallin and I have a poor spiritual foundation, but, I'm glad we go to church together every week.
  • I'm grateful that Dallin was able to go to school, (although I HATE how they ripped us off and screwed us over! GRR!) and that IF (but hopefully) he passes his national test (CROSS YOUR FINGERS!!), that he can be a Certified Pharmacy Technician so that we can soon hopefully start living more comfortably; I just hope he finds his career path soon! (Since a Pharm Tech DOES make better money, it's not an income a family can survive off of.)
  • I'm grateful my Dad lives down the street so I can see my little siblings more and that my Dad is near-by if I need some help. :)


  1. I always find that making gratitude lists really help lift my spirits when I'm feeling down. You realize how lucky you really are and you really do have what matters most--family! :) And I saw your comment on my blog and I'm really sorry about your situation... we just moved out of my parent's house too. And my husband and I didn't get any help from the government with school until our senior year, so we both have A TON of student loans. It's stressful, but if you really want to go to school you should look into that! I just hate that I wasted SO much money, time, and effort on school and I don't even get to do what I've always dreamed of. But hopefully you can go to school and get a job doing something you love :) Good luck with everything.

  2. Thanks so much, Hannah :) Encouragement from others always gives me more hope :)

  3. Even when someone seems that their lives are moving forward to you, to them it may seem stuck just like you feel. Fortunately enough, everyone is growing and pressing onward including you. This experience of "feeling stuck" will help you grow and get prepared for when everything seems to be coming all at once. Hang in there. You are doing much better than you give yourself credit for. ;)



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