Wednesday, July 13

My turn to say a few words . . .

So, I feel like I have to jump on the band wagon, too. I know I should post about my birthday, but, that can wait. Plus I'm still waiting on Gato to upload pictures since WE didn't take any! (I know! SIN!)  Since these 2 ladies poured their hearts out about the love of HP on their blogs, I feel it's now my turn, too. I feel like I've been avoiding it and now, I can't avoid any longer.

Ugh! Where to begin . . I've been waiting for this day for more than 1/2 my life. I've been more excited for this day more than my birthday last week. Now that it's almost here, my excitement has been turning into anxiety. Every time I would hear the music for it, I would get goosebumps that would run up arms to my neck and down my spine and tingled down to my bones and I would get so giddy and excited! My husband keeps telling me how many days are left, keeps changing our computer background almost daily to a different character from 'Part 2', and playing the trailer over and over. The excitement is gone. I just feel sadness and dread. I am NOT ready for it to be over - not again! I was introduced to Harry Potter in 5th grade. I HATED reading when I was a kid. Harry Potter made me LOVE reading! I loved going to the midnight book releases and the midnight movie showings; it was like seeing my best friend again! I had a hard time growing up and I had NO friends; Harry Potter was my social life, he was my only friend. Harry Potter was my solace when I was lonely.
I'm going to miss the memories that came with Harry Potter. I loved reading the books with my mom. We would always have a contest to see who could read the newest book the fastest and we would have 'word wars'. My mom would always win - I am not a fast reader and my vocabulary was not very built back then. We would always go to the midnight showings and my brother and sister would always ask us questions and we would get irritated and we would tell them to read the books, and of course, they never did. My mom and I would ALWAYS critique the movie in the car as we were trying to go home while being stuck in the post-movie traffic and vent on how they 'ruined' the movie or left important things out or added in 'stupid' scenes, but, I enjoy the movies regardless. Though, I am a forever fan of the books first and foremost. I love you J.K. Rowling for your wonderful talent and insight to such a beautiful escape for my mind! 
It feels like I am ending an era or losing a friendship; I feel like I am composing a eulogy while typing this: I loathe saying goodbye! For those of you know me or blog-stalk me enough, know that I DO NOT cry! I am close to tears writing this. I cried when I finished reading the 7th book for the first time, and I am going to cry when I watch this last one. After Friday - its OVER. I honestly don't know how I am going to come to terms with this. I am in complete denial even now as I write this. I re-read all the books last summer and I am in the process of re-watching all the movies. What more can I do!?
The above picture is a picture of my dog, but, if you look beyond that, you can see a THIRD of my bedroom. This picture was taken before my senior year of high school even began, and, my room had been 'HP'd for years before! I STILL have all these pictures and posters; they are in a tote under my bed and I can't bring my self to throw them away or get rid of them.
All I know is




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