Thursday, August 4


So, this is a thread from face book I'm going to be putting on here. My mom wrote it and it's about my step dad who has cirrhosis, who is a now sober alcoholic. I will just let the words 'speak' for themselves. There is a reason why the LDS church is against drinking and why we have the Word of Wisdom. 

My one true enemy? Encephalopathy. Turns someone into someone they are not, it knows how to push my buttons, makes life stressful. If you drink MORE than you know you SHOULD, like everyday! PLEASE stop! You have no idea what you are doing to your liver and how it will affect your life.
12 hours ago ·  · 

  • Jordann Gasser likes this.

    • Lori Hayes Ferguson When your liver no longer can function because you have damaged so severely, the toxins in your body that your liver use to filter out, no longer can leave your body so they build up and build up. They go to your brain and you become confused. Extremely confused! You can't do simple things like put your seat belt on, you make no sense when you talk, you get mean and belligerent to those who love you and are trying to help you. You forget to take your medication which helps get rid of the toxins so now your family has to push you to take it. Oh and this medicine? It's called lactulose. An extremely sweet, thick syrup that tastes awful, and you HAVE to take it 3, 4, 5 times a day. Enough to keep the toxins at bay. And how does it get rid of these toxins? Lactulose is laxative. You figure out the rest. This is not fun for anyone. SO . . . . .the next time you pick up a drink, think about this and is this what you really want for you and your family?
      12 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

    • Jordann Gasser ‎:'(
      10 hours ago · 

    • Sharon Knight Montgomery I am so sorry! Sending happy thoughts your way.
      10 hours ago · 

    • Jeanette Hansen Staker Sorry. Working in the ICU, I see that alot. Lactulose is your friend...
      8 hours ago · 

    • Terrie Arbuckle What is Encephalopathy???
      8 hours ago · 

    • Jordann Gasser terrie, she posted what it is in here comment:)
      8 hours ago · 

    • Lori Hayes Ferguson Terrie, it's a symptom of liver disease where the toxins build up. It's one of the hardest to control and most difficult to deal with. I've been pretty open about my husband having liver disease from drinking in hopes of getting through to someone to stop drinking in excess. It's just not worth it. He is only 52 and if he didn't take all the meds he has to, the toxins would build up, he'd go into a coma and die. He has been approved for the transplant program out here but is not sick enough to get a new live any time soon. We are on eternal wait at this point. :/
      5 hours ago · 

    • Dallin Ford For this exact reason it doesn't surprise me for a second that Alcohol is stated in the word of wisdom... It's so sad to see it happen to Marc :(
      5 hours ago · 

    • Lori Hayes Ferguson Most definitely, Dallin. I wish prohibition would come back. There is absolutely no need for alcohol.
      5 hours ago · 

    • Ashley Ford Theres multiple reasons on why I never wanted to drink . . .
      4 hours ago · 

    • Lori Hayes Ferguson I'm so proud of you for that. I won't again myself. It's suppose to be fun and relaxing. But it's not. It tastes horrific, and turns you into an idiot and then the long term effects just aren't worth any of it. I wish people could see that.
      4 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

    • Jordann Gasser i can agree with ya'll. but I have always believed in "everything in moderation"and that goes for drinking too...:)
      2 hours ago · 

    • Lori Hayes Ferguson I do agree with moderation. It's just that too many people don't. I know you and Cade enjoy it. I just ask to be careful. I love you both too much. :)
      2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Jordann Gasser thanks lori:) and we will ♥ we love you too!!
      2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Dallin Ford Most people do see and know that in the back of their minds I think. The driving factor is the feeling they get when they do it, or the "bad" feelings that are taken away when your in a state of drunkenness... Which I can't understand because your gonna get a lot more bad feelings with the consequences of drinking... I'm glad you've chosen to stop altogether MIL :) I can't think of ANY positives things that are associated with drinking, besides the reasons I just barely stated, but those aren't even good reasons in themselves. Like you said, it tastes like total crap, it smells like total crap, it turns you into an idiot, you hardly remember anything you do while your drunk, you do things you wouldn't normally do while your drunk and most likely will regret later, the hangover is lovely the next morning I'm sure, plus not to mention it's a POISON that kills you from the inside out! (not to rag on you Jordann for drinking, these are just MY reasons why I wouldn't drink, cuz everyone has their free agency to choose what they wanna do.)
      2 hours ago · 

    • Lori Hayes Ferguson I would never want anyone to go through how cirrhosis effects their WHOLE life and those who end up having to care for them. I'm sure they think "it's my body, I can abuse it how I want." But when it gets to cirrhosis guess what? You no longer can take care of yourself completely and your family, spouse, children, parents, whoever is still talking to you, has to step up and take care of you. But they never think of that. :(
      2 hours ago · 

    • Dallin Ford That reminds me of another negative effect of drinking... Because in the long run it doesn't only effect you and your body. It effects those closest to you as well :( I'm sorry.
      2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Dallin Ford I decided to search negative effects of drinking cuz I was curious and never have before, here's what came up, thought you might find it interesting: What Alcohol Does To Your Body

      Alcohol is the most widely used drug in our society. It is easily available, most people never think of it as a drug and if it is consumed to excess it can have a very damaging effect on the human body.

      Alcohol is not a stimulant (except initially), as most people believe. It is actually a sedative-depressant of the central nervous-system
      It is capable of rupturing blood capillaries and veins.

      It does not warm you up; in fact it makes you colder by increasing perspiration and causing body heat loss.

      It damages dendrites (the branched end of nerve cells that bring messages into the cell), causing disruptions to brain function.

      It depletes the body of many essential nutrients such as all the B vitamins, especially B1, B2, B3,B6, B12, folic acid, vitamins C and K, zinc, magnesium and potassium.

      It can hamper the liver's ability to process fat.

      It can lead to liver toxicity and disease.

      High sugar content of alcoholic drinks can lead to hypoglycemia and predispose to diabetes.

      Drinking alcohol regularly can lead to its dependence - alcoholism.

      2 hours ago · 

    • Lori Hayes Ferguson Thanks, Dallin. That is alcohol, that is what is does, it kills people. I just want to get the word out. I one person stopped drinking because of reading this, I would be thrilled.
      2 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

Don't drink.

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