Wednesday, August 17

Something different.

On my short drive home from work tonight, I had lots of thoughts zooming through my head. Since tonight was my last closing shift at work, it's become more surreal that my last day is this Thursday. The debate keeps raging in my brain of whether or not I want to find another job. . . This was my main topic of thought. I HAVE applied at a couple places, but, I think it VERY unlikely that I will be receiving a phone call, so, there is not much anticipation for a new job just yet. My main reason for not working is because my desire for school was strong enough, that I made it happen and I am finally going back to school! School officially starts in a week and I can't WAIT! The more I think about the job thing, the more I just . . . don't want to do it. I have always worked and have loved working, but, I just feel like a job right now isn't what I should be doing right now. I want to focus on school when it starts, I want to devote more time volunteering at NMHP (No More Homeless Pets) and make sure my doggies are happy and are being taken care of :), I want to be a better member this year in SLSC (Salt Lake Symphonic Choir) since I was not very committed this past year, I want to start being actively involved more with doTERRA (Since I AM a consultant), I want to become a better wife for Dallin because he deserves it, I need to work on my spirituality BIG TIME, and one more thing: I want to try something different. I want to see if I can be a professional blogger. This site is specifically for updates in both Dallin's and my life, and I have been abusing it. I realize I need to keep it as it is and I need my own corner. So, with all this in mind, to hopefully better myself, who has time for a job? NOT ME! So, after this post, I will no longer be abusing this blog and I will start my new project of creating my own space, so, keep your eye's open for something new on the horizon! Keep following us if you want to keep up in our lives, but, honestly, don't expect many updates on this anymore. Everything will be on this new blog. Hopefully I will get it up soon. When I tend to obsess over something - it tends to get done faster! ;) Well, C ya in my new corner soon!


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