Sunday, December 4

Sophie Stardust and Oreo.

It's been just over 3 weeks since Yoda died. Seems like so much more time has elapsed since then. 
Almost a week ago, on November 28th, Dallin and I had a fight. I hadn't eaten all day, so, that was just more fuel on the fire. (I'm one of those that "has" to leave to cool off.) I said I was going to leave about 3 times until I finally did. So, I stormed out determined to go cool off and to satisfy my hunger. On my way out of the neighborhood, I almost ran a cat over. (I've ran over a cat before and its way sad so, I'm more aware now when I drive.) I stopped and this cat just would not move. So, I decided to hop out of the car and walk towards it... surely that would send the cat scampering away. NOPE. This cat, instead, greets me and starts head-butting my legs and rubbing against me. So, I turn on my hazards so other cars knew I was stopped and I picked this cat up and moved it to the side walk so no one else would almost hit her. When we reach the sidewalk, she simply kept rubbing my legs. How could you be livid when something so sweet just loves you? I was fuming when I left the house and she instantaneously put out the fire that had been raging inside my chest just moments before. 
I didn't know what to do in that moment. I didn't want to leave her, so, I looked around and did not see a soul in sight so, I decided to take her with me. I continued on to Subway. She climbed every square inch of my car on the drive over. Then I had the problem of not knowing what I was going to do when I returned home. I wound up calling Dallin and told him to come out to my car. There, we decided that we would take her in and see if we could find some owners. We figured she had to be owned because for 1. she is still very young, for 2. she is super friendly and sweet, and for 3. she is a Scottish Fold; which is a very expensive cat breed.
Tonight, I received a call from a woman saying that she found our Found Cat Ad on KSL, and sure enough, Sophie Stardust (our would-be chosen name for her if no one claimed her) or Oreo, her real name, was their cat; or her daughters cat. 
 It's just peculiar that I happen to find her by almost running her over, after Dallin and I had a fight, me leaving the fight the moment I did, Yoda dying almost 2 weeks before, and Dallin saying that the only cat he would want after Yoda is a Scottish Fold and I happen to almost run over one?! I seriously just can't believe the timing of it all. We may have only had her here for 6 days, but, I can't help but to feel that she was meant to come into our lives; even if it was only for a short time. The more I think about it, the more blessed I feel. I just feel good that I was able to 'pass it forward' by helping someone re-claim their lost, beloved pet. I say 'pay it forward' because almost 2 years ago, I lost my Gizmo. If it wasn't for a kind soul and KSL, I never would have gotten him back! 
Thank you, OREO for crossing my path and entering our lives.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I totally think she was meant to come into your life for that small amount of time! Everything happens for a reason!



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