Sunday, January 1


I grew up being taught that we live in an amazing country and how important our freedom is. It makes me sad that today, most Americans don't know what The Bill of Rights, the 13 Amendments, and what The Constitution says. Our Freedom is SO important to me; and I'm grateful that this was something my parents were unified in and, in turn, taught me to be grateful. I'm extremely passionate about voting. I've never missed an election ever since I was 18. Voting is the one thing we can do as an AMERICAN CITIZEN to make a difference. We're playing our part, and making our founding fathers proud who gave their lives for our freedom. I firmly believe our government and those currently running our country, are seeking to take our freedom away. I also believe that this years election is going to be the most important in this time era. So, it's even more important NOW to make sure that you are a registered voter, and that you do your homework on the candidates. DO NOT go to the poll uneducated, or go to vote in the 'coolest' candidate - you will be doing your country a BIG dis-service. 

Consider this your warning - I'm going to be talking about this ALL year.

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