Tuesday, March 26


Here it is the end of March, my 2nd post of the year; which is un-like me. This year has already proven to be difficult; I honestly hope the worst is behind us and that this year can progressively become better. There have been some good things that have happened:

  • Dallin and I have come to terms with seeking counseling. (YAY!!!!!)
  • We're taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University course to better our financial situation. 
  • We're more settled in our house.
  • The weather is getting warmer.
  • Ashley has lost 10 pounds and hopes to keep losing.
  • Dallin got a new job! He is FINALLY out of the foundry.
  • We both received callings in our new ward and we love them: Ashley is the Young Women's Personal Progress Leader and Dallin is in Scouts and Primary working with the 11 year olds. 
  • We've made new friends.
  • Dallin has started up a weekly game of chaosball, and he is very excited about it! Please come if you can.
I don't want to go much into the not-so-good events of this year as we are trying to move past them, but, I will inform you of one: Ashley is looking for another job, and she is rather bummed about it. If you know any descent places, please inform either of us! Preferably in the Salt Lake area as Magna is now far away from many places. If you know of any Sandy areas, somewhere close to the 9000 S. freeway on/off ramp would help so Dallin and Ashley could car pool. A fixed M-F day shifts would be nice, too.

I'm not sure what else to inform you of, but, we hope to get a House Warming Party scheduled soon as well as updated pics of the house. 

Hope you have a Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!!!! All of your good news is WONDERFUL!!!! Good luck job searching...it's such a hard thing!!!



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