Tuesday, March 22

Day 11

A picture of something you hate.

I hate people when it comes to having hospitality jobs. I am a people-person OUTSIDE of work. This is why I can't wait/really want to go to school so I can get a REAL job and stop having these crap jobs. I'm sorry, people are not "guests" they are CUSTOMERS. A guest is someone you personally invite, like to your house. If there's no invite, they are no guest. They are a PAYING CUSTOMER.

Whats in your make up bag.

I don't believe in a "make up bag" per se, but as you can clearly see, I have a make up drawer. I think it's funny with as much as I buy, and have been given make up, I really don't wear it that much, but, I love it regardless. I love how it transforms my face. It's like a blank canvas that I can paint on every day :) Figuratively.

I believe you should put your make up on ONCE for the day and thats it! It drives me NUTS to see women constantly re-apply make up through out the day. Keep it out of your purse, it belongs in your bathroom. Don't put in on while your driving, or while your working, or while your at school. Get over yourself! If its something special like a wedding or a dance, thats a special circumstance, EVERYDAY is not a special circumstance.


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