Thursday, June 16

I made a decision . . . .

I have been investigating DoTerra Essential Oils for a few weeks now. Today I made the decision to sell it! I have been thinking about selling Mary Kay and various other things, but, I didn't quite like EVERYTHING about the other groups that I was thinking about "selling". Even if I did not make the decision to sell this stuff, I would STILL buy it! ANYONE at ANY age can use this and it benefits you! You don't go to the doctor as much and it saves you from high medical bills, pain, depression, being over-weight, and any other ailment you can think of! I am a VERY skeptical person, and am very picky and choosy with things, but, I love EVERYTHING about DoTerra! All the products, what they do for you, how they are all natural and you don't have to deal with an other side affect ever again! This is HUGE for us since Dallin has all the allergies, skin, and breathing problems he has. It will cut back seeing DR's and he will eventually not need to use his inhaler that he has used his WHOLE LIFE for his asthma! I think this is a good move for us for our future, especially when we start having children! I am SO excited about this and know that this will be ONE thing in my life I will NOT regret doing :) PLEASE let me know if anyone wants to learn more about it or wants to attend a class to be more educated about it. Thanks for reading. 

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