Thursday, October 27

Now missed 2011 events

23rd Birthday

This place was SO much fun, but, I think I permanently damaged my knees, too. I could not walk normal for over a week. 

Playing dodgeball

My gifts from the hubby :) I loved my shoes that he designed for me, (I KNOW!) but they were too big :(

My gift from my awesome auntie, sent all the way from England :)

These ones replaced the too big converse - I LOVE these!!

Mom's Visit

Updated family photo with my mom's children/families.

We had a TON of fun at Lagoon!

2nd Anniversary

 Don't we have a great view?..... of the South Towne Mall? We had to be cheap this year. 

 I LOVE going to the Healing Field to remember 9/11

1 comment:

  1. So much fun! I love the healing field too!! Your hotel was so pretty! Love all of this!



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