Sunday, April 29

"Doggy Pile"

Wow! It's been awhile since I blogged last. Life has been busy and chaotic in the past few weeks. Well, I can't remember what I've blogged about last, but, I'll "dog pile" everything for you guys:
Dallin has been working his butt off as usual, and I've been in school full time (my 1st and probably last time ever) the past semester. If you include my 2 institute classes I took, I did about 16 or 18 credit hours this semester, and I STILL am in Salt Lake Symphonic Choir AND I got a part time seasonal job about a month ago - yeah, I've been busy; and all that at once was probably a bad idea. Oh well. 1 concert and 2 finals down, have 2 concerts and 3 finals to go! 
On top of this, we had to do $1,300 of repairs between both our cars, back-to-back, and I was car-less for almost 2 weeks (NOT FUN!) and our hard drive in our computer went bad and that cost $400 to repair! The computer crashed RIGHT as I had a bunch of major papers due, and guess what? We lost everything on our computer; all documents, all my Photoshop stuff, any program we ever downloaded, all our pictures, wedding pics - EVERYTHING! When it rains - it pours. I'm just grateful we never got the car we were wanting to get so we had the money to pay for all these stupid repairs! If we didn't have the money - I don't know WHAT we would have done! 
The other thing that sucks is those repairs dipped into our funds for our down payment for a home, too - if anyone wants to "reimburse" us the $1,700 we lost, I'd gladly accept! (yes, I know - I'm dreaming. *sigh*) I wish we had a long-lost relative that left us money in a will and died or something..... we're just starting to get desperate to get out of here. In 2 days we will have officially lived with my in-laws for a year - yuck! I love [most] of them, but, I hate living with them. I just hope we can find a house sooner than later; house hunting is exhausting!
 My sister had her son, Aeros (I know), on Dec 23rd and he was pretty healthy for being really early. He was due on Feb 14th of this year! My sister-in-law had her baby on April 25th, his name is Gary, and she was 3 weeks late! My sister, Amber, is always early and Karen, my sis-in-law, is always late. So, now I have 4 nephews and 2 nieces - I LOVE being an aunt! 
On April 26th, my Dad turned 50. My step-mom threw a surprise party for him and it was AWESOME! My dad seemed so thrilled to have 50 + people to be there for him! I have some pictures that my aunt Jaimi took ( that I will share. Hope everyone is having a good spring! 

The kids helping my dad blow the candles out.
My dad, Amber, me, and Aeros. 
Me with the boy :D He looks just like Amber when she was a baby. 
AHH! Can I tell you how excited I am that this picture finally exists!?  This is the first picture that has all my family in it besides my mom (and step-dad [by default]), and 2 other sisters. So, here we have my Dad, Step-mom, Tammy, and 7 of my 9 siblings. (10 including me)
This is the grand-kids with Grandpa & Grandma. 
The last of the "cool" Movies 9 crew! (JK!) "cole" had her farewell today. She is going to make an awesome Missionary!
L-R: Lindsey, Nicole, me, Dallin. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I'm sorry all of that happened at once!! Blast! I'm also way sorry you lost everthing on your computer, that has to be such a hard thing! arg! Well, I hope you guys can get more money saved in order to move out soon!



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