Tuesday, July 24

Donut Falls

The weekend before my birthday, we decided to spontaneously go on a hike. Which is something we would not normally do. We decided that we wanted to hike Donut Falls; I had never been. So, we drive up the canyon, it's early evening, and the drive takes a bit longer than we expected, especially since we didn't expect getting lost. I dressed expecting to get very hot and sweaty; seeing as it had been blazing hot that day. By the time we reached the trail head, the hot sun was no longer beaming down on the canyon, resulting in me being cold and a buffet for the mosquitoes. The hike wasn't particularly difficult, but, it did have some awkward spots that were ...uh... 'fun' to maneuver. We ended up separating at a fork to see who would come out at the 'other end' first, only to find out that it wasn't a fork; Dallin ended up in the wrong place and had to back track to find me. While we were separated, I enjoyed my alone time. *side note* I always thought myself as a 'city girl', envisioning me not being able to survive being away from people and stores and shopping, but, I've come to find, I'm more country than I ever thought I'd be, but, I LOVE it! *end side note* I love the outdoors. Actually, it's more than that, it's not just being outside - I love being tucked away, in the mountains, or at the lake, breathing in the fresh mountain air, listening to the steady rhythm of the crickets surrounding me... you can't beat that. I feel at one with nature, and myself, when I am out there. My element is definitely earth. OK, I realized I got side tracked.... back to the hike. I enjoyed my alone time. I got to think to myself, enjoy the beauty of the earth around me, and imagine what adventures lay ahead. I finally made it to falls. What a wonder to behold! I stood there, just staring at the water gushing past me, in awe of the falls above me, and eye-balling the mountain of rocks between the water at my feet and the falls above me. My 'adventerous' side was begging me to climb the small mountain in front of me, but, my husband had yet to appear from our parting-of-ways earlier. So, I got a hold of myself and turned around heading back the direction I came to go find him. Lo and behold, there he was! Together we went up to the falls, and that was the feat that was difficult. The canyon was almost completely cast in shadow, although it was not quite sunset yet, so we decided to turn around and head back. By the time we got back down from the falls, our blood was pounding in our ears, we welcomed the coolness of the shadow in the canyon on our way back to the car. What a great, little adventure that was. :)

You can see the specks of the shirts of people who had just climbed down as we came up - they are tiny!

1 comment:

  1. Oh that sounds SO blissful!! The mountains are the BEST!! There really is nothing like being in them.

    Wanna know something funny? I always saw myself as a city girl too...and then we moved to Salt Lake and I didn't really like living there at all. I'm totally a country girl at heart...what was I thinking?! haha.



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